Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Hunts are ON!

Yes folks! The Greatest Love Hunt and the Kiss Hunt are BOTH going on at the same time. And unlike what Kiss's rules state, many of the Greatest Love stops I've been to have had Kisses there as well, in the same area.

But that isn't why I'm writing to you, nope! Why I'm writing is to ask people IN the hunt to PLEASE PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!

I can't believe, okay I can, been to a few hunts already, how many people out there think "Oh, I'm just going to search for the box and get out of there. No one will notice me. I'll go in my undies!" Or is it that they are thinking "I think I'll show off my sexy underwear to whomever is hunting too! It will be fun!" Whatever they are thinking, I'm going to give you a few examples of ladies who should have thought before going on the hunt. Like this one. Excuse me, please, but... well maybe she found it in a Hunt box? Except she got the jewerly going too. In fact, she looks like she just stepped out of a high class brothel. I expect the Bunny Menu to be held in her hand and her doing a little curties and saying "Hi, my name is Bunny Love and I'm sooooo happy to see you."

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